What does Hollywood Studio Gallery do?
HSG provides cleared art and wall décor to the movie and TV industry as set decoration, as well as a wide range of custom picture framing services.
Are you open to the public?
Our customers are primarily buyers and set decorators for the entertainment industry, but we DO welcome the public to take advantage of our picture framing expertise.
What are your hours?
We are open Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm PST. We understand situations arise and access before or after our normal hours may be necessary. If possible, call ahead to arrange for someone to meet you early, or stay late.
Is everything on your website?
For a couple reasons, no.
We are currently working on getting the bulk of our inventory on the website, but with more than 60,000 items to photograph and key, our plan is to release blocks of images in our most popular themes, followed by samplings of all other categories to better showcase the diversity of what we offer. Ultimately, the vast majority of our current inventory will appear here. In the meantime we will also be adding NEW acquisitions to our website as they become available.
Also, there are a few artists and artists' reps that have requested their art NOT be included on our website, as it may conflict with their own endeavors. Those images are being archived, off-site. If you don't find something on the website you have seen on display in our Gallery, please call 323-462-1116 or e-mail us at hsginfo@hollywoodstudiogallery.com. We will do our best to forward those images directly to you. If all else fails, we welcome you to visit us in person.
Do you sell what you show on this website?
No we don't. We are a RENTAL gallery. However, in our contemporary sections, we may be able to source similar imagery from our art contacts. Please let us know what interests you, we'll do our best to assist you.
Can I rent HSG artwork by the day?
No. The standard term is one week plus a grace day to facilitate your return.
Are there any discounts for rentals longer than one week?
Yes. Each additional week will bill at 50% of the first week's full rate, until the item is returned to HSG. You may also request a "Production Rental" at the time your order is placed. It may be contracted for a minimum of two weeks, up to as long as your schedule requires. In addition to the usual 50% discount on the subsequent weekly rental rate, a 4-week production rental automatically offers the fourth week at NO charge. In other words: first week at full rate, second and third week at 50% of the first week, fourth week FREE (+ applicable taxes). Please contact us for terms longer than four weeks. One main difference with a Production Rental, is that the total dollar amount for the full-term contract is invoiced at the time the order is picked up, to be paid in full. We do not offer a payment plan, and we do not "credit" your account for items returned early. When arranging a Production Rental longer than 4 weeks, please be prepared to provide us with an "end-date". The "free" weeks do not apply to items that are billing on an on-going, weekly basis, and cannot be instituted after the fact.
Do you charge a separate fee for usage?
No, we do not. HSG owns its inventory outright. Usage rights are secured by HSG at the point of our purchase. Every item you see has a replacement value and a one-week rental rate. Our rental rates are all-inclusive, other than applicable sales tax.
Important to note: clearance must be requested and obtained IN WRITING. Please see "LICENSING, COPYRIGHTS AND CLEARANCES".
Can I download the images found here and use them on my sets?
No. That would be a copyright infringement. Please see "LICENSING, COPYRIGHTS AND CLEARANCES".
Can I rent the physical art work represented here and copy it, or change it a little?
No, in both cases. That would be a copyright infringement. Please see "LICENSING, COPYRIGHTS AND CLEARANCES"
Is your frame shop on premises?
Yes it is, fully staffed and equipped to handle most requests in a timely fashion
Can I remove the glass or non-glare plexi-glass from HSG's art work?
We prefer that you don't, but if you feel it's necessary, we would rather do it FOR you prior to having it picked up from us. In addition to the rental of the item, there will be a nominal labor charge for removing the glazing as well as refitting it, upon return. In the event YOU remove the glazing after you pick it up, we ask that you return the glazing with the item. Missing plexi-glass as well as any damage to matting materials or to the artwork while in your possession, will be assessed a loss or damage charge.
Can I have HSG's artwork reframed?
Yes. We can do that for you. Our framing is chosen to enhance the item and many pieces are done in pairs and series, by design. If we change a frame for your purpose, there will be a retail charge for the reframing, and a labor charge for returning the item to the original frame, plus the rental of the artwork. If you have HSG's art work reframed elsewhere, we ask that you not trim or alter our artwork in any way. To avoid incurring any loss or damage charges, please return all original framing materials so that we have the ability to restore it to its original appearance.
Adding a frame to an unframed HSG item, will be at the customer's expense. Please keep in mind, we will not alter the original appearance of our artwork for your temporary usage.
Can I have you frame artwork I purchased or printed elsewhere to use on my set? And do you frame art for personal use?
Yes, on both counts. We will gladly offer our full range of framing options, meet your deadlines, and stay within your budget.
Do you buy or accept previously-cleared artwork that has been used in production?
No. The purchases HSG makes include rights in perpetuity, with no third-party involvement. An item cleared for YOUR usage does not equate to HSG having permission to release it to our customers.
Do you ship?
Yes. Small and medium-sized flat items can be packed and boxed by us. Items of similar size may be boxed together, otherwise most items will be shipped individually boxed. There will be a packing charge billed to your production for what we are able to do in-house. You will need to provide us with account information, shipping address and YOUR FedEx or UPS account information, at the time your order is placed.
Unless your production has established net-30 terms with us, all orders being shipped will be considered COD. Payment needs to be secured prior to your order shipping out from us.
Larger items will be sent to a crating service, and may add time to the shipping process. The charges for crating as well as the shipping will be handled between you and the crating service, not HSG. International orders may be subject to applicable tariffs and customs inspections.
In any event, your rental charges begin when your order leaves our building, and will continue to bill until all items are returned. Orders will be inspected for losses and damages. Please contact us for additional details concerning our capabilities.
What methods of payment do you accept?
We accept company checks, cash, and all major credit cards. A Credit Card Authorization Form can be found above, under "FORMS". If you have been given a NET-30 account with us, we will accept your purchase order numbers, or you have the option of using a "P-card".
How can I submit my artwork for your consideration?
Be aware there are guidelines in place for this process. Hollywood Studio Gallery purchases all artwork outright, work on consignment is not an option. You will be asked to read, agree to, and sign our in-house Clearance Agreement which specifically grants HSG permission to sign Clearance Releases from production companies in the future, without anyone contacting you. For that reason, work being submitted should be your own. We prefer to purchase items unframed.
There is certain imagery we are NOT interested in reviewing. Please do not submit works that contain celebrity likenesses, nudity, recognizable logos, trademarks and products. In addition, ceramics, glass and fragile constructions are of little interest.
You may send jpegs of your work, or links to a website to mail@hollywoodstudiogallery.com. To save time and effort, we ask that your images include sizes, media and some idea of pricing. An electronic submission of your work may lead to an in-person presentation of your work, if you live in the Los Angeles area. Walk-ins will not be entertained.
While our policy prevents us from paying you royalties, or offering screen credits, HSG can be a gateway for global exposure of your work.